
the guardian

GLabs Branded Content

Bloomberg Philanthropies: How to become a healthier city
Highlighting projects across the globe to help cities become healthier places to live. Header illustration collage a combination of Getty Images and myself

Montreal Tourismé: Winter Magic
Drive awareness for short stay getaways to Mnotreal and surrounding regions during winter. Illustration by Ben Pearce

AWS: Amazon Web Services: Business Briefs
A HQ/hub a one stop shop where AWS SME’s (Subject Matter Experts) answers about how the various products AWS offers that help your business.

Mailchimp: Guess Less & Sell More
Interactive desk to showcase Mailchimp’s email marketing tool to help small businesses

Orsted: Renew, restore, rewild: Three innovative projects boosting ocean health
Highlighting what Orsted are doing in conjunction with their wind farms to help combat climate change. Illustration myself, Orsted and Getty Images

Abcam: Meet five scientists whose critical work hinges on working together
When it comes to scientific discovery, the most exciting breakthroughs are reached through cooperation between many minds

Orsted Explainer Video
What makes a credible corporate climate pledge. Produced by Wyzowl, art direction from GLabs team and Orsted

Amazon Prime Video
Custom overlay video ad unit for Prime Video show The Peripheral. Creative and concept done in-house by GLabs


Marketing Materials

The Guardian US Place Mats
Marketing piece designed as a leave behind for sales people as talking point on calls, touting The Guardian US reach.

GLabs US Show Reel
A collection of The Guardian Labs US Branded Content pieces. Art direction from myself, created and designed by my Associate Art Director, Kevin Ordonez