
Lost in the Wilderness

I worked with my brother Kalpesh Lathigra, on this book. Over the span of 5 years (2005-2010), he visited the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota. He documented life on the reservation and their determination to preserve traditions and keep the Lakota language alive despite their daily challenges.

The cover material used, was to evoke and mimic the hand woven fabric, made from a combination of plants, bark, yucca, wool and cotton, that many tribes used to make certain clothing. The debossed title and Oglala flag, is not initially visible to convey the almost forgotten heritage and history of the indigenous people of America.

Creative Direction & Design

Lost In The Wilderness

Book spreads

Broad sheet newspaper edition of the book

Sent out to KickStarter backers who choose this reward. Folded Size: 37 x 52 cm