
Men’s Health Urbanathlon

Men’s Health magazine’s signature race series which began in 2006 and ran until 2016. The first race was only in NYC and was a great success. As a result over the year it expanded to three cities, New York, Chicago and San Francisco. In 2011 we secured Gatorade as our official sponsor, with a $3M ad buy with Men’s Health and Women Health. Which enabled us to do a lot more, such follow 3 athletes in their training leading up to the race, MH URB app and much more.

Creative & Art Direction/Design/Branding

In-Book Promo Ad


Promotional Postcards

Racer Bags

Packet Pick-Up Envelopes

YouTube page and downloadable desktop background designs

Three selected race participants videos

Awards and participation medals.

Medals designed by myself and award designed by freelance designer Nicole Imperial in conjunction with SixSpeed who fabricated the award.

Sponsor recaps

Sponsor recaps